
Nov 30, 2013

Sinningia conspicua (from seeds to flowering)

When I fell in love with Sinningia. One of my friend told me that he had a Sinningia species with a rare yellow color and fragrance.  Thank to his kindness, I got these seeds of Sinningia conspicua. This was my first time to sow Sinninga seeds.  The seeds were so tiny, just like sand. Maybe, you can see that there is a brown point at the top of the little green leaf. That is the seed! The seeds were sowed on the surface of the soil. If the seeds are fresh, after 2-3 weeks, they will germinate.  After a two-year observation, the project turned out to be a good result, and the yellow flower has a citrus-like fragrance.

Seedlings  2006 Nov.

Flowering 2008 May